Tuesday, January 4, 2005

My Way: Chicago (ChicKnits Style)
What might happen if you come to my kinda town

The holidays might bring some…
They might bring you JOY!
For a long weekend past, I’ve was graced with a few and
now that they’re gone, it’s dull indeed.

Friday night was New Year’s Eve. In the ChicKnits Household, that can mean one of two things: low key housebound rockin’ around the Christmas tree or Pure Riotous Living. Eve 2005 was both: starting with a Bobby Darin (oh – he’s Mr. Smooth alright) video concert (Mack Is Back!) and then a mad dash to the Lakefront to watch the spectacular Fireworks Display the City of Chicago puts on over Lake Michigan.

Since my visitors were from Tiny Towns, I felt compelled to show them the Chicago Way. Now, this can be anything from Quick Draw Parallel Parking to leaving an ironing board in the street in front of your house to protect your shoveled-out parking spot. (Seriously, *Markers* are a whole sightseeing trip in itself – you would not believe what people use to *mark their spots* – but no snow this weekend cracked that fun.) There are thousands of things the Chicago Urban Dweller does that could tickle and amaze and/or terrify you all at ONCE!

My Way consisted of racing down to the Lakefront at about 11:45pm (it’s 3 miles from my house) and parking right on the Highway in a prime position directly in line with the barge out in Monroe Harbor that would fire off the Works! Ah – my guests were stunned and amazed that *I* would do this but were even more astounded when suddenly we were surrounded by hundreds more, and here is where I got to utter the ultimate, “Hey, it’s the Chicago Way!”

Thousands will park for the time it takes to watch the INCREDIBLY EXCITING and big budget Duo-Barge SHootOff of heart stopping BOOMing Showers of twinkling light that arc over the Lake and richocet off the high-rises. Boom diddaBOOm Boom BOOM!!! didda boom… (repeat chorus ’til end…)

By the first didda, everyone has left their cars and are now standing on the pavement with their champagne and cheers fill the air raining kisseyFace Galore and even the lone cop guarding the nearby exit shakes his head with PURE JOY!

6 Replies to “Tuesday, January 4, 2005”

  1. You are right about the *Markers* for saving your parking space…My grandmother lives in the city and we usually see some interesting things–mostly chairs, but sometimes you get that occasional interesting object!

  2. Ah, yes, the markers. My favorite is the neighbor who uses a handicapped shower seat. I bet no one’s ever dared to move that thing!

  3. You always make me miss my windy city, the home of my mindofwinter heart. My parking spot lawn chair sits sad and useless in my basement. Perhaps if we get a sprinkling in DC I’ll haul it out for old times sake…

  4. Ironing Board!!!! Love It!! Hmmmm………..never thought of that. Maybe when we get some snow in MD I may have to drag mine out from the basement.

    We, here in Charm City, are lawn chair *marker* people.

  5. Here is another ‘Chicago Way’: If you are running tight for time and need to be near the river and Michigan Ave., here is a tip. Give the doorman at the Swissotel $10 bucks and your car keys and he’ll let you leave your car there for a couple of hours. So much better than deck parking!

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