Monday, January 10, 2005

  Monday Morning Mirth  


If you happen to be Downtown Chicago in the next few weeks, grab yer needles and go knit a spell under the auspices of


Now on display:
Thru February 20, 2005
Chicago Cultural Center, Michigan Avenue Galleries
78 E. Washington Street
Free Admission

“…Arizona-based artist Mark Newport uses superhero imagery and handcrafts, such as knitting and embroidery, to explore ideas of self-protection and protection of others as well as different facets of masculine identity and activity. On view are Newport’s hand-knit, life-size superhero suits, along with his elaborate samplers, where he embroiders directly onto comic book covers.”

5 Replies to “Monday, January 10, 2005”

  1. My my, I work right next to the Cultural Center! I had no idea there was this knitting exhibit. Lunch hour here I come!

  2. I hope someday to come near to your level of crafty resourcefulness… But right this moment I can’t understand how the vertical buttonhole works. You’re making a separate ribbed placket and attaching it, right? But where does the hole part come in? I have avoided cardis because of closure difficulty (but am eager to learn!).

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