stop me before I zip again, and again, and…
This weekend, driven by an Insane House Elf, I have started to honor my New Year’s Resolutions. ON the Playlist with a Bullet: Organize and Structure the Studio Workshop.
Here you’ll find my stash, worktables, knitting machine, supplies, tools, etc. Some are already in a eye-pleasing form because they are in a public area and I’ve recently had discriminating house guests. Others are in a flux of disorder and chaos because? Well, just because…
In my burrowing and winnowing, I found some sweaters I’ve made that were not being worn because they were either needing some work or some alterations.
NUMBER ONE: the Heather Cardigan from Fall/Winter 2002-2003 (click on the little picture for details and a nice picture).
I love this sweater! I do not wear this sweater! WHY? I put the buttonholes too far into the button band and it did not lay gracefully. It annoyed me. It cried out for a zipper!
Heather has lost the buttons and gained a fab two-way zipper. I used the original yarn to sew the buttonholes shut and because I was crafty and put the holes in the purl valley of a 1×1 ribbed vertical band (my favorite HERE), they disappeared like magic… The original yarn was very *grabby* and hairy so it blended well with its neighbors.
I have to admit, lately, for all of my work clothes, I prefer zippers or large snaps.
They stay shut better, lay flatter and are, IMHO, easier to apply than BUTTONS!
Since once is not enough in the ChicKnits Workshop, and the House Elf was beating my brain in with a bat, I continued to
This simple fringed pullover was knit as my Christmas outfit in November of 2001? I don’t even remember it was so long ago… I hardly wore it because, silly me, it was out of a chunky wool and a PULLOVER! Eeehgads, no temperature control. Now several of my knitting buddies and I have come to the conclusion that women prefer cardigans and men prefer pullovers. WHY? Temperature control! Women have the extra insulation of BOOBULAS on the Chestage and need to Regulate with mo’ better frequency. Men can get by with a placket opening at the neck and call it a day.
Not so MWAH! This sweater required remedial Steeking! And Steek I DID! This yarn was not as fuzzy as some so I carefully blanket stitched the facing down after I machine basted two rows of stitches on either side of a center mark on the front of the sweater. SAY THAT FAST! Lucy Neatby shows how here and I will show more in another installment as well…
Here is the edge of the zipper, basted into the sweater ready to be sewn by machine. Why am I showing you this? Because I craftily preserved the Fringe on this sweater! The Fringed Angled Bottom is what is the Best Thing about this sweater and I removed the center fringes before I steeked, then replaced them after I knit on the front bands…
Bonne Marie I am in awe of you. You are the Boss of your knitting!
Way to re-do!
You rock Bonniemarie!
You Rock! Way to go with the reworking…
Wow, that is some really impressive reworking.
Bonne, I’m a pretty new knitter and have been reading your blog for a couple of months. I’ll stop lurking and start thanking you for all the great advice and tips you give. Great job on resurrecting your knits. May your new year be brighter than ever before!
You amaze and inspire…. I, too am in awe.
Two-way zippers rock. Good call. Lovely knitting is wasted if you don’t actually wear the FO…
(Oh, and this note was intercepted during KnitBlog Study Hall: DogsStealYarn {hearts} ChicKnits)
Whoo hoo, that Heather Cardigan rocks! I gotta jump on the two way zipper wagon. Maybe for my Ribby Cardi….
Bonnie Marie, Your talent run amuck! I am a new knitter and new blogger. I have been reading your blog for about a month now, and knitting for 6 months. I made a sweater that I don’t love. Thank you for the ideas…I think now I can resurrect mine.
Way to Boss that knitting around!
Bonne Marie, you rock! An inspiration of resolution follow through and knitting bossitude!
I see all your lovely zippered cardigans and admire from afar but until now I have not realized why I instinctively reject the look for myself–I’m flat. Also I don’t like the way zippers bulge when I sit which is when I am more likely to throw on a sweater as I hunch over my knitting and reading (moral: style looks better on good posture). I was admiring the fringe even before reading the text. Back now to my own twaeking (it’s the new exercise).
Hey M! Have you ever tried the 2-way zipper? It solves the bunching problem when sitting – that’s why I love it so…
It’s so inspiring — I’m still afraid, but inspired. I love it that you WEAR your sweaters, and tweak them so you love them. I’m dying here, because I sent some to the Salvation Army that I probably could have salvaged for mySELF!
I love your blog Bonnie Marie.
Can you give me details for the Heather Cardigan design (is it Rowan?) and yarn used?
I have clikcked on the little picture for details but nothing happend.
thank you