New Sleeves August 21, 2009

There’s a little bit of a New Threads excitement over here, even though only 1/3 of the sweater is finished!

Lot’s of Dance’O’the Sleeve going on at Chez Chic — it’s not too often I do both sleeves first but it might become a tradition because it sure feels good!

Now, I’m about 2″ into the bottom ribbing of the Left Front for my Twist sweater. I bit the bullet, flipped a coin, spun around twice and decided that I’d just have to go with what yarn I had for this, even though the dye lots were not the same.

Not even no cigar close.


BUT, the plan is to use the most similar for the ribbing on all the body pieces and the button bands.

I’m hoping to eeke out the Body parts from the same dye lot above that, the hood too. We’ll see how it goes…

However, if anybody out there has some Cotton Ease in Taupe Lot 35102, I would be thrilled(!) to take it off your hands :) I tried getting lucky on Ravelry, but the one person I wrote to wrote back once then vaporized.

Lucky for me, I’ll only be looking at my chest, sleeves and feet from regular eyeball vantage point, so I’m really not all that fussed ;p

3 Replies to “New Sleeves August 21, 2009”

  1. I haven’t done much dyeing – but could you dye the whole sweater when it’s done to a more uniform shde of taupe amaybe?
    Sleeves look beautiful!

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