10 Replies to “Monday, March 14, 2005”

  1. What a ‘gargeous’ sweater! I once got a hand-made Aran at my local Salvation Army for $3.99! It looked like it had never been worn.

  2. You crack me up! You need to give a drink alert though, almost got coffee all over my keyboard laughing at that ebay listing!

  3. Gargeous indeedy!! I am SOO tempted to start trolling eBay for wearable/recycleable sweaters (whwat, me troll?) but I have to TRY and exert some self restraint… :)

    I DID get a fab aran at a Church Sale for $1 a couple of years ago and wear it to work in all the time – they are SO warm…

  4. I can’t get over those little GI Joe sweaters. Who knew GI Joe was a sweater dude!

    P.S. Your Monday Morning Mirth entries are a good way to kick off the week. You should have a category so we can go back and binge on ’em all at once.

  5. Too funny! I’m going to have to watch out for this guy again. I may want to bid on one of his other “14” sweaters, for the yarn if nothing else. Thanks for the laugh!

  6. OMG, that is about the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time. That guy is completely hilarious.

  7. OMG, that guy’s eBay entry is the best ever. I can’t stop laughing. Too bad he didn’t get more for the sweater. I, too, have to get myself back to the thrift stores to look for more good sweaters. I adored the one Rachael-a-go-go got recently.

  8. OMG too funny!! I especially loved the warning on “Tracey’s” powder blue sweater that it has “see thru gaps” !! And as far as the ebay guy: I loved the sly reference to Gerry Adams!

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