green with (Spring) ENVY…
I long for the day I can throw the windows OPEN – the days when a moist breeze kisses the cheek and freshens the heart. I long to breathe in the glee of the new wind and rush to air the house; let it roll over all those dirty corners and then CLEAN it til it shines!
NOT! Knitting, my friends is better than HOUSEWORK! Knitting will bust the Cabin Fever we all seem to be SUFFERING from. WHY else would I get this email last night (spelling, etc as written):
Subject: Martha S. poncho
Textfield: Make me Marthas poncho? Anyone out In this World that would knit me the PONCHO
Any Takers? ANYBODY!? ( I must politely DECLINE!)
This poor woman is BURNING UP! Please, step away from the computer and GO OUTSIDE and roll in the snow!
I see little crocus pushing their way out of the ground, in the midst of the snow. There was one 68 degree day last week, and they, like all God’s creatures, myself included, were FOOLED into thinking it was safe to come outside and play. It’s NOT!!! It is 22 degrees right now! I just set out my long underwear for the 166th day.
THIS is why I am enjoying the Green Thing. I am compensating for the lack thereof in the Great Outdoors.
In an act of totally unselfish self-preservation, I fired up the knitting machine this weekend and (now that I’m DONE with a couple of projects) started a simple deep-ribbed cardigan. I have all the *straight* knitting done and am now adding the ribbing piece by piece.
I love this color – the freshest Grass Green – a yarn by Austermann called “Rubino”. It is an Italian merino/microfiber blend that is very Palace as opposed to Barn…
Just smooth, soft well-defined stitches – and a color to roll around in until Those Better Days arrive…
I’ve started a Sitcom Chic in fresh spring green Cascade Sierra, can’t wait to have it to wear.
The crocuses have more sense around here. Or maybe there is just so much snow on the ground we can’t see what they’re up to.
I’m still knitting arans in that beautiful blue of a crisp cold winter sky.
After reading your blog, I see lime everywhere…check out this month’s cover of Gourmet Magazine. My green is Annie Modesitt’s Backyard Leaves scarf, in Knit Picks Merino Style Asparagus.
Best, Sarah
i love lime. and i love that email!!!
my crocuses were fooled also. my mental health is at stake. i’m all for living vicariously through you and your spring green! i love it. i’m going to pull out some wildly bright yarn to knit next!
That email is a riot. And I want a knitting machine now. Very badly! For all those quick knits I’ve got in my mind but can’t get my pokey fingers to churn out.
P.S. Your love for LIME is getting to me, big time. In the stash: Two sweaters’ worth of green yarn.
That colour makes me wish I could wear green, but alas – I can’t. HOWEVER, out here in “Lotus Land” there are mini-daffodils and crocuses (or croci, if you prefer) crowding my garden as they push themselves up to the sun. Until today (which is a little cooler), I’ve spent mornings sitting on the deck, drinking coffee and soaking in the warmth. You need to visit the westcoast sometime!
That poncho email is hilarious. I wonder how many people actually received the request besides you? (and I want a knitting machine too, because it might speed me thru the boring parts and spur me to finish a few of the lingering projects).
Your blog always makes me smile (my thanks for that). Now I’m going to put the coffee mug down and step back from the computer!
I am so thrilled that I am not the only one who would decline to make the Martha poncho- Blech!
I love the lime green though! What machine do you use?
I love you love the b.Lime!
OH – I’m using an LK-150 by Silver Reed. It is pretty fab – sort of a learning curve but really, imho, worth it for some cutting to the chase goodness…
I can’t WAIT to spring clean; I only do it for one day, though. Sparkling clean windows – ahhhhhhhh.
Pretty green sweater! I’m watching Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, and here’s the scene with Hugo Weaving’s lime green sneakers – neato!
Love the lime – that ribbing is yummy!!! my ribby is getting lime sleeves, and since I can’t technically wear lime, a purple body. Oh, and I just scored a knitting machine on ebay finally! Can’t wait to try some of your tips!!