Thursday, March 24, 2005

rRRRhwwrr, a girl can’t stay down forever, rwwhrsheesh…

Not much knittin’ gettin’ done when your busy doctorin’…

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and fixes! I ended up having to do a complete System Restore because of a particularly heinous file that would not allow itself to be deleted.

AND that’s fabulous! Because now my laptop is running like a fine racecar! So this was actually the thing that booted me into some Spring Cleaning of the Geek sort. WHAT FUN!

But just as the computer was getting better, I actually got wasted by some kind of stomach flu. So far this winter, I’ve dodged that bullet but hey! on the 2nd day of Spring, what’s more merrier than a *personal, internal* overhaul by Mother Nature!

In the midst of all this MAL, arrives two friendly, happy things! A Fuzzy Scooby Doo pet from my friend Amy, and her son, Ben – thanks guys – I love scoob! AND, from the little bad Muse, aguil3sm.gif a couple of bags of really cheap Rowan All Seasons Cotton in the discontinued Safari color. WOOT! I’m feeling better already!

5 Replies to “Thursday, March 24, 2005”

  1. Ugh on the flu and the computer “worm”…seems the computer bug jumped right over to you! Yikes! However, Scooby is really cute and nice yarn too…nice ways to perk you up that’s for sure! Feel better soon!

  2. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to buy yarn they didn’t really “need”. Though, I must say, you’re ribby cardie pattern is the one that sent me to elann. Yeah, uh…it’s your doing…:)

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