A couple of nights ago, I was on the top floor of a parking garage near my day job, as usual. The light was full of Fall, that golden tone lying low in the sky that is like nothing else I’ve ever seen.
There’s always a little camera in my bag and it seemed one of those right times to play.
Here in the Big Windy, we have lots and lots of skyscrapers. Old ones. New ones. Here’s two of my favorites. Sometimes, I pretend that big temple-like crown on the vintage scraper is my hut, my very own pavilion. My penthouse hanging high above the skyline, overlooking Lake Michigan and the world below.
To really see the below when you’re 10 stories up you have to do a little ledge hanging but the view is its own reward. This is Wabash Ave. and the El.
New. Old. Old. New.
The city is full of it; everywhere you look is an amalgamation of the evolution of Urban. From the reach for the sky of the buildings themselves, it grows and grows. What it loses in ornamentation, it gains in bombasity, in shape in function.
One of my favorite and newest buildings I can spy from my parking perch is a hotel. Its name is the Wit and indeed it delivers bold humor, even to my little pocket cam. It hosts a skyline bar that is like nothing else in Chicago, half covered, half open to the nightside stars. But my favorite is the hanging living room off the bar with glass walls. It has the best view of the fabulous Pritzker Pavilion in Millenium Park and the Lake beyond.
But that’s a story for another day.
Today, Chicago’s buildings stand together and salute as the world watches. Big Shoulders indeed. We can carry it. 2016.
Beautiful photos! I’m flying from New York to Chicago today to visit friends for the weekend, and now I’m even more excited about the trip. Definitely bringing my camera, too!
Gorgeous quality. Can you tell us what kind of little camera you have?
Gorgeous shots!!
What fun! I haven’t seen Chicago (except from the interstate, wave as you go by) since I was a child. Mother’s college roommate was from Chicago, and we drove there for the roomie’s wedding.
Whyat a great lead up to my visit next week. So, I’m leaving the east coast for chicago on Sunday and will be there at a conference for three days. I lived there 30 (can it be?) years ago, the wicked winter of ’79. After visiting some old friends (read paintings) at the Art Institute, I hope to fit in a visit to a yarn store or two. Can you recommend? W.
Wish you luck with 2016. Chicago is a wonderful city and as a former resident of Milwaukee – your northern neighbor – I am cheering for you all!
Obamas, Oprah and co were here this week in Copenhagen and made a great pitch this morning at Bella Center. Michelle Obama did a fantastic job. Copenhagen has been turned upside down with excitement since her arrival — and, of course, Oprah! She will do a show on the “happy Danes” soon.
I moved to MN from the Chicago area – the pictures are great reminders of a great city. I do miss it, but still like the slower lifestyle and wide expanses of open area here!
I love the juxtaposition of old & new, esp. in that first photo. I get vertigo just looking at that glass box, though – sweaty, tingly palms sensation, oooh. Yikes.
Love the photos! I’ve visited Chicago about 4 times and each was a fly-in, attend one day event, fly out. We did take the canal boat ride (corporate event!) and see Chicago from the water, but otherwise it was indoor meetings. And I snuck in a visit to one yarn shop while everyone was eating lunch. The photo with the El Trains is my favorite, but I have a thing for trains.
Thanks so much — I never get tired of the Loop! I used my old pocket-sized Canon PowerShot SD600 (Digital ELPH) for these shots
For some downtown Yarnie FUN: Loopy (47 W. Polk St)