I took this picture of l’Arc de Triomphe in 1995.
They beckon me; I will follow…
More Plans, more Travel…
OOH La la! The time has come to leave my troubles behind and FLY! Fly away to see what one can see! To shake it up and turn it upside down! The Muse, she beckons…
In just a little over a week, I am going to Paris! This fair city is my favorite of all outside the USA and I can’t wait. It’s been almost 10 years since I was there last and almost 4 years since I was lured overseas…
Too tempting the prospect of joining mes amis Becky et Jackie on a late Spring adventure in the City of Lights~! Paris – she is a spectacle that I hope will sweep me away!
Invigorating! Full of energy (watch out for scooters!), art and food extraordinaire! History and architecture that will make me weep with joy!
I stayed there once before for two weeks in an apartment in Bastille. We went every day to the farmer’s market in the neighborhood to buy fresh food and flowers. Perhaps my favorite area is Marais (which you can see in yesterday’s entry) – it blends the very old (17th century?) with the very new and the continuity is astounding.
Much of which Chicago is not. The two are sister cities, but one is the flip side of the metropolitan coin. We even have subway enclosures that are copies of their’s but you will never mistake their public transportation for ours. Theirs is Clean! It’s on Time! It’s accessible…
And the architecture! Much of Chicago was built roughly around the same time von Haussmann was tinkering with the Parisian skyline but we’ve neglected and abandoned our treasures. In the City of Lights, one will find people living in buildings that go back centuries and I marveled at the sight.
Just the thing for a woman who does not tan! Will HE still be waiting for me outside Sacr
Long time lurker- never commented before.
But, I have to say- I was there in ’94 for four months- your Michael Jackson mime was, at that particular time, my Mona Lisa. That guy is amazing… truly looked like Mona Lisa… was he also a good “king of pop”? Please, please, please, let us know if he is still there- I used to walk past him regularly!
Bonne Marie, have a great trip! I’ve never been to Paris so I would like to join you in spirit.
I bet he will be, and I bet he’ll recognize you when he sees ya!
Paris – definite places to see:
Musee de Moyen Age (also Cluny) – the Unicorn Tapestries along with stained glass up close, illuminated manuscripts and pilgrim’s souveniers from the pilgrimages made in the medievalages -you may even stumble onto a medieval musical concert there.
The park near the anthropological museum – last time I was there the flowers were gorgeous.
Les Halles – funky stores, cool church with head in hand statue and the best part “La Droguerie.” Serious amounts of money leave my hands there.
Some of the most beautiful stained glass (I think in Europe)is in the cathedral St Chapelle – a stained glass birdcage.
The Arc de la Defense – very modern building in a very modern plaza outside the original Paris city walls – is on an architectural/geographical line with the Arc de Triomphe.
There is an apiary (bees) in one of the Jardin de Luxembourg – very pretty garden and cool that a series of bee houses (all different by the way) are there.
Les Invalides – the military musuem and also the site of Napoleon’s tomb – amazing. On the second floor of themusuem are artifacts crafted from shell casings and other kit itmes fromWorld War I soldiers – plus drawings and poems – very moving.
Bon Voyage!
I think we will have to go on a mime quest.
if michael jackson isn’t there, i’m sure someone else will be. have a good time.
Wheee! I’m heading over there for the first time this July:) Can’t wait to see your pix!
So jealous. Sounds like lots of fun. Can’t wait to hear the reports (and you haven’t even left yet)!
How exciting! I hope you have a wonderful trip!
You lucky grrl!! It will be so much fun to read about the trip when you return.
Last night our guild had a fashion show. You were the hit of the evening. This year it seems my favorite patterns were all Chicknits…of course. Ribby Shell, Ribby Cardi, Eyelet Cardi (yet to be shown on my blog) and Chickami were all big hits. They are my favorite sweaters, too. You got style, grrl.
Ooooo! Paris. In the springtime. How absolutely FUN! And the potential for serious stash enhancement…..
First time for comments, but I’ve been reading regularly and now I’m ready to embark on a Ribby Shell and a Scoop du Jour. Have yarn, must knit!
Love your blog….can’t wait to hear about Paris!
HAVE FUN!!! :D :D :D
Oooo..Paris is a place of dreams for me; I only know of it what I see in the movies! As for me, I’m heading home to Peru in July. Can’t wait for that either!!! Happy travels!! :o)
bon voyage indeed! have a wonderful time! i’m definitely hoping for a rendez-vous with the mime!
Ooo-la-la Bonne Marie!! Hope this trip is magical in every way!! If, by chance, you go to the Musee de Rodin to check out his sculpture and the 2,000 rose bushes planted in the yard surrounding statuary, say hi to Camille Claudel for me. I am sure she is still hanging around her own work located there that they thankfully show. She did so much more than his feet!! And if a feeling of necromania invades you and you happen to visit the cemetary of Pere Lachaise at Paris, say a fond hello to Abelard & Heloise in their famous resting place! Quite beautiful, I hear. We expect a show and tell of pictures at KIP when you get back and have organized all your photos!! I can’t wait to see! Bon Voyage, Bonne Marie!! Vive le France!
Oh, bon voyage, cherie! I was in Paris almost 35 years ago…have never forgotten it! It was a wonderful experience, as you well know. Travelling mercies…
Gosh, I hope that guy’s not there – what a nightmare!
Before you go (or after you come back if you don’t have time) you should read “Murder in the Marais.” It’s part of a mystery series by Cara Black who is a mystery writer from here in the San Francisco area. You’ll love her descriptions of the different districts in Paris. Have a great trip!
Will HE still be there? He was last year, so I don’t see why not this year! Same act. Same outfit.
Bon voyage!
Oh Saints be Praised! The Mime is ALIVE! That means he’s been rockin’ out with that boom-box for over a decade…
I wonder if he ever got a *new* outfit??? 10 years in the same suit seems to violate every fashion law I’m aware of :)
If you have HBO and about 20 minutes, watch Eurotrip. The battle of the robots in the Louvre line is pretty funny. Actually, I watched the whole movie on 2 darvocets (finger surgery) and thought it was funny. Predictable, but fun in the teen movie kind of a way. Lots of star cameos.