Mondo Mondo March 11, 2010

chic-knits-mondo-cable-vest-100311Our Mondo Cable class started up at Loopy Yarns this weekend and it was really fun to be part of something where a knitter discovers a great new technique. It’s one of those super-wow! moments that happen only once in awhile, right along the lines of riding a two-wheeler. Cables are my very favorite thing to do in knitting – I never get tired of the braiding of the stitches (sure wish I could make a Celtic Knot pattern with my bedhead this morning ;p)

Today, I was busy putting together some little online ads and got to giggle when both things collided: the cabling and the photos.

Now it’s also one of my favorite things to do when I get to play with pictures and fonts! I never get tired of looking through type faces and font collections searching for the combinations that make a conversational graphic point. I’ve collected a few books and made notebooks on my own — I have a whole book just filled with business cards I’ve collected over the years and another with ones I’ve designed.

A business card is a micro-environment that in the 21st can say a lot about a person and their agenda in a very small space. Like lots of things in business, gone are the days of the formal imprints and in with the days of designs that reflect the tone & character of the person/business that can have a sense of humor, be modern, or bold.

I especially love some that have a little WINK in the layout. A little fun and friskiness that’s an invitation to connect.

Of course, if you’re a judge or a cop or lawyer, you probably have a white card with a governmental seal or company name.

But for the rest of us, the world’s our playground!


It’s been our great pleasure to tinker with this blog theme the last couple of days, too! If you’ve seen some strange behaviour (or still see some wonkiness), be sure to hit the F5 key and refresh your page with the new code. Please email us infoATchicknitsDOTcom if you it’s still behaving badly and be sure to tell us what browser and operating system you use. THANKS so much!