when Life imitates Art
Even though everyday I go about my merry spaced-out way (too much to DO! The Holidaze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. OMG, next week is Thanksgiving. Where the H are my car keys), My Mind has a mind of its own and just keeps connecting all the dots, in spite of my chaotic path.
Above you see my new Pin Cushion from the indomitable Felt Inspired that I could not resist this weekend at the FAOF.
At the right Above >>>>>^^^^^^^^
you can see The Frapp Map
and if you click it, all its Pins.Coincidence or just a Cosmic Glitch!?
How I’m enjoying your beautiful comments and pictures!Thank you so much for taking the time to leave one – it is so much fun getting to see you and *talk* to you…
If you are a Knitter with a Frapp Map send me your URL in an email HERE and I will add you to a link list so we can all SAY HAAAAaaaaaaaaaay! to each other…