Wednesday, December 28, 2005




Now that it’s 50 degrees outside here in Chicago, I have an Artic Ready Hat! Not to worry, we all know another BLAST is in the wings and this little number just might pull me through.

Back in the early days, I made a Snood to battle the great outChores while shoveling snow. The mistake was combining a strand of mohair with a strand of worsted – looked good, tasted BAD. Those little bits of hair kept finding their way into my mouth whenever I took a breath. Blahchk…

This time, we have semi-coverage without the beard – or the pompom!

Instead, we have a little Icord clover – I doubled the yarn like on the bottom of the hat and made about a foot of cord then twisted it and sewed it to the top of the hat. I’m thinking it’s a cowlick of sorts, which in my family is fondly referred to as a KookadeeKoo! One of the ladies at the salon where I get my hair cut is from the Ukraine – and she says that’s a Real Word! Anybody know how it’s spelled?

…a special THANK YOU to Meg from Inch-by-Inch


for the wonderful hand spun yarn!
I think I’m hooked forevermore!

13 Replies to “Wednesday, December 28, 2005”

  1. OOoooooohhhhh!!! That is EXACTLY the hat I’ve been looking for all over the greater Chicago area! Any chance we’ll have a pattern any time soon??? I have some lovely yarn just sitting, waiting patiently to be made into that hat!

    Cheers & Happy Holidays!

  2. That is a great hat. I love the i-cord.

    I’ve become rather fond of corkscrews on the top too–they’re jaunty and light compared to pom poms.

    Hope it keeps you warm.

  3. Okay…it’s pretty cute, even without the pompoms. :)

    So, what is that thick-and-thin yarn? It’s so pretty!

  4. Oooooo…you must share with us how you made this! It’s so delightful and I would love to have one myself. Pretty please????

  5. Thanks! The thick-n-thin is Pt. 5 by Colinette (Color: Pierro) – not sure about a pattern yet… :)

  6. Love the I-cord clover, but I think it would have rocked with the Pompom!

    I look forward to seeing this pattern. I am spinning my own yarn now, and this would make a great handspun project.

  7. I read your blog all the time, but am mostly a lurker, having no blog of my own. I love your patterns and have made many of them. I couldn’t resist responding today as I am Ukrainian as well and your friend from the hairdresser is correct. The word is, in fact, pronounced Koo-Koo-Ree-Koo and is actually the sound attributed to the morning crow of the rooster. This seems appropriate as the “clover” shape could pass for a rooster’s comb. Keep up the great patterns.

  8. Absolutely *gorgeous* Bonne Marie! Your new hat is charming & cool (& warm, I’m sure :o) So cutting edge. A little meg-spun never looked so good!

  9. Your “weird i-cord thing”, as I so inelegantly suggested, is just the ticket! Love the hat — Here in the NW, I too did a flurry of knitting inspired by 20 degree and below weather, and now it’s 50 — so nice to control the weather . . .
    Happy New year!

  10. That’s amazing! Super stylish, and no one else will have one just like it (isn’t that one of the reasons we knit, anyway?).

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