Tuesday, March 7, 2006



Going to get it right if it, well… two sleeves are shorter. The neckline is adjusted. Thought I’d be done by now. I was wrong.

12 Replies to “Tuesday, March 7, 2006”

  1. I’ll faint if I ever finish my essential stripe. Easy knit, but I screwed up the sleeve and have been avoiding ripping it.

  2. I’ve got illfitting handknits in my closet screaming “why didn’t you just TINK a few rows and get it right.”

  3. another good WDZ is **again** a Dan Brown thriller (and again done in approx 24 hour time frame) Digital Fortress. Quick and “seat biting.”

  4. I love the little gnome! Long live the gnome!
    The sweater is going to be so gorgeous-sorry for all the trouble it is giving you. :-(

    Keep your chin up!

  5. Might as well do ‘er right, if you’re gonna do ‘er at all. Plus it is way too cool of color to have it not work out right in the end.


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