Sunday, June 6, 2004


wowie, Wowie, WOW!!!

Check out Joanna’s FABULOUS Lace Shell!

When you get your breath back, enjoy her wonderful pics of Europe

The always articulate and interesting Erica writes about everything interesting on FILLYJONK!!!

Thanks to Spaazlicious, I FINALLY learned how to do a Figure 8 Tie on my skeins! If only I’d gotten a cool Niddy Noddy at the MS&W…

Check out her entry on skeining and washing wool in her May 22 entry.

4 Replies to “Sunday, June 6, 2004”

  1. Sunday morning with Bonne Marie, Yippeeee! Now I have to go and do my laundreeee. It’s amazing how much knitting one can acomplish while waiting for your clothes to wash and dry.

    That is one AMAZING shell. I went cross-eyed just looking at it. I can’t imagine having the patience to actually knit it.

  2. Now I want to make that shell. Elann has the yarn. And no, I didn’t need any more blogs on my list to be checking on. Thanks, Marie ;-p
    Where’s my (first) coffee?

  3. Aw, stop it! Thanks for all the compliments, and thanks Bonne Marie for linking my blog. There are so many knitting blogs now that without links like these some of the interesting stuff would get lost in the crowd.

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