Friday, October 21, 2004

New Threads Friday

Just for today, one sock qualifies
for a special one time only FO dance!

Technically, a pair is needed, but this is SPECIAL because it indicates I’ve gotten back on the SOCK BUS!

Even though I’ve been pretty good at cleaning out the workbasket, there are still a couple of lonely socks waiting to be finished.
This one is now ready for its MATE!

Dirty Little Secret: But not without a little help from my friends…

I’ve been working on finishing this for a couple of days – its my stop gap knitting when I’m stuck somewhere waiting for work direction or between shows. Yesterday, I SCARED the reporter I was working with by whipping off one boot and tracing my foot…

I’d forgotten my sock pattern and needed to know how long to make the sock! Seeing me measuring the trace did not relieve the stressful situation I caused but only added to the mystique!

Later, I took the little Hemp/Wool sockie to KIP and finished knitting it there. This yarn is so delightful, it was much petted and SMELLED! YES – for the first time ever I participated in a MASS SIP (Smell in Public)…

I’d only done this in the privacy of my own home before But I was emboldened by all the TESTIFYIN’ done over at Wendy’s on Wednesday in the Yarn Sniffin’ Comments, and, damn, this was FINE! Corinne started it but I couldn’t resist –

But I digress… I got all the way to the end of my toe shaping on said sock and started to Kitchener it together but ALAS! I lost my Will To Kitchener! I could not, for the life of me remember how to do it! MARY to the rescue! She pulled out a copy of Interweave Knits and VOILA! In the back section is a handy dandy tech section and there it was – thanks Mary! Love you guys!!!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Marnie writes: As for fringe or no, how about going a little different and getting some pre-made fringe. I really like some of the stuff at this site. They have fun beaded fringe.”

Funny you should mention TRIMS, but I just took a field trip Monday to Fishman’s Fabrics (1101 S. Desplaines St) to scope and score some trims for another enchanted project: Tweedy Bird…

After finishing the knitting and most of the hem and button bands on the Bird, I realized a Sea of Tweed was a eyeful of BLAH! This stuff can be DULL as DUST! No wonder the ForeFather/Mother Designers of Old called upon the Braid Goddesses to part with some of their ornamental locks!

So the ForeF/Ms edged their creations with TRIM! Velvet Ribbon, Braided Cord, Fringe, Beads, SOMETHING to take this out of the mediocrity of vision and pop it to ya…

Here is what I came home with…

1. trim1.jpg
Enchanting perhaps to my eyes only: Yellow-Green & White Diamond Woven Ribbon

2. trim2.jpg
Just guess what this is… It might be my favorite!

3. trim3.jpg
Two Faux Cable Corded Trims side by side.

4. trim4.jpg
Really Lovely shiny corded Crowns…

Who Will WIN the Place on the Loopy Collar: stay tuned for more exciting Loopy News…

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Shazam: Right Front

For Fiber so chunky you gotta eat it with a FORK (ahem, hay fork that is), look no further than then SHAZAM!

I finished the Right Front last night – wooo – it needs serious blocking, but Oh Baby I love that Stitch Definition. I LOVE Cabling! (New Knitters: learn How to Cable HERE). These cables just JUMP off the body of this sweater! Comin’ to Getcha!~ (In a very friendly way, but of course!)


Tweed Yarn is such a mystery to me. Magpie came in Plain or Tweeds and I’m using the Tweed offering – it is SO different. The Plain version is softer and loftier; Magpie Aran Tweed is dense, dry and less elastic.


Spinners? Please educate Us? Please?

I did some judicious Googling and came up with: NADA!

I’m intrigued – how’s it made – why do they put those little flecks in there – why is it so much DRIER than the normal wool…